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Follow along with Sunday's worship service by printing out a worship bulletin (click document at bottom of screen) or just follow along here:

Worship Bulletin July 14
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Sunday Worship will be in Fellowship Hall this week. But an online option is also available. To join us for livestreaming of worship at 10:30 a.m. go to the Prospect Presbyterian Church channel on YouTube. By joining us in the livestream you will be able to join the discussion and send prayer requests to the worship leaders. (At 10:30 AM click the blue link or go to

Other Sunday Worship Information

Leading worship this week is Rev. Jessica Dixon-Ebner with Sandra Eismann serving as the Liturgist. Music is led by Music Director, Peter Ncanywa. Running multimedia will be Carolyn Berry. Fellowship Time is part of this Sunday's Breakfast Worship.

A Bulletin can be printed to follow along with the service.

Today's scripture readings are Luke 24:30-32, Mark 6:35-44, 1 Kings 17:8-24.

Children’s Activity Sheets: "Kidsword" (7+) and "Little Kidsword"(3+).

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