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Per Capita is a fundamental way in which all of the nearly 10,000 congregations and mid councils of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) connect, participate and share in the work of the wider church. Per capita is the primary source of funding for the Office of the General Assembly, and is how Presbyterians mutually and equitably share the costs of coming together to discern the Spirit’s leading for the future.

: It is how Presbyterians are trained to become better ruling elders, teaching elders and deacons, and ministers.

: It is how Presbyterians are helped to discern God’s call in their lives.

: It is how Presbyterians participate in the life of the wider church by serving on General Assembly committees and commissions, regardless of distance or financial resources.

: It is how Presbyterians participate in the life of the Church universal as we commit ourselves to work and live in fellowship with “all persons in every nation” (Book of Order, G-4.0101)

All Presbyterians are called to take part in the ecclesiastical and administrative work shared by the whole church though per capita giving. The amount for 2024 is $38 per member.

Please read the article below for one pastor's thoughtful look at a reason to give the per capita amount.

PerCapitabuilding a LovingCommunity
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Updated: Jun 24

I've attended anniversary celebrations for a number of churches this spring. At a recent gathering the guest speaker shared a popular quote that states, "A legacy isn't something you leave to someone. A legacy is something you leave in someone."

Each of us, through our faithful actions and words has the power to shape the legacy we leave behind. It's not just about the material possessions or the tangible accomplishments we amass in our lifetimes. Rather, it's about the intangible yet enduring impression we make on the hearts and minds of others.

Think about the mentors who have guided you, the Sunday teachers who have inspired you, and the pastoral leaders who have paved the way for your journey of faith. Their legacy lives on not only in what they achieved, but in the lives they touched and the values they instilled.

As members of this presbytery, we are entrusted with a sacred responsibility to cultivate a legacy that enriches and empowers those who follow in our footsteps. Whether it's through nurturing the next generation of leaders, fostering a spirit of compassion and service, or simply being a source of strength and encouragement to those in need, our actions today sow the seeds of a legacy that will endure far beyond our time.

Let us embrace this opportunity with humility and determination, knowing that each act of kindness, each word of wisdom, and each expression of faith has the potential to leave an indelible mark on the fabric of our community and beyond.

What legacy do you want to leave in people and what legacy do you want this presbytery and its congregations to leave in the people we are called to serve?

Steve Huston

Organizing Co-Leader

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The church office is looking for a few volunteers of any age to take photos of Prospect people in action. Pictures of worship services (discretely of course), fellowship time, regular events or special occasions. Pictures will be used on social media, in worship, in emails and on our current and new website. If anyone can help with this, please contact Faye in the church office. A lot of fancy equipment is not needed, a phone with a camera and a steady hand would be great.

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