Prospect integrates worship, education, and mission across all ages!
Prospect welcomes all ages, from two through adult, to participate in a vibrant educational experience that leads the congregation to worship and serve God! Using the Seasons of the Spirit curriculum, all ages study the same Bible reading and theme that form the basis of the worship service that morning.
Age-based classes Will resume in 2024 after a break this fall.
Sensational Sundays are monthly intergenerational events where the entire church family gathers together for a creative, interactive ConnectEd experience.
New students are welcome any time during the year! Please complete the ConnectEd Registration Form for all children and youth.

At Prospect, we believe that faith formation is a lifelong journey that takes place both inside and outside church walls. To integrate learning and practice at church and home, Prospect offers a separate website dedicated to faith formation, offering information about opportunities for the gathered community as well as resources for individuals and families to use at home. All ages will find a variety of resources that relate to Prospect’s unique ministry and current issues in our society.
Youth MinistRy
In addition to weekly ConnectEd classes, middle and senior high youth participate in specially scheduled activities that encourage discipleship through study, discussion, service, and fellowship.
Lock-ins in fellowship hall and youth retreats at Camp Johnsonburg are always popular events! Prospect’s Sr. Highs look forward to participating in a summer mission trip and spend a portion of each year preparing for these trips, including the famous soup making (photo) and selling to raise funds.
Check the church calendar and newsletter to find out about current youth activities. In addition to events specifically geared to youth, Prospect values inter-generational ministry and seeks to involve youth in meaningful ways in the total life of the church.

Young adult ministry
Prospect’s Young Adult Ministry brings together people who are post-college twenties through early thirties. They meet for dinner monthly or as schedules allow with no agenda other than conversation and food.
adult electives
Adult electives meet periodically on Sunday mornings with evening options for those who cannot attend on Sunday mornings. Single sessions and four-week series cover a range of topics, guided by the current context, ministry theme, and congregational interest.